The program offers a complete approach to understanding dance and gives students the opportunity to develop technical-performative abilities, research-creative skills and a critical-analytical approach to a work of art. The lecturers are renowned contemporary dance artists and other academic teachers prominent in their area of expertise. The study program is oriented toward the development of a versatile dance artist with an individual choreographic quality and the ability to comprehend contextually the movement sequences. The students acquire an excellent basis and can continue their studies at various European MA programs in complementary artistic areas.

During the three-year program, students train in various contemporary dance techniques that are supported by classes of classical ballet, improvisation, musical, acting and intercultural dance practices. In the subject Composition and Creative-research practice, the students are introduced to diverse choreographic methods and processes that enable them to discover contemporary ways of creating and researching their personal expressions. The program is complemented with subjects in the field of physical preparation of the body, anatomy and preventive dance medicine that professionally support the understanding and functioning of the body. Through subjects such as History of Dance, Dramaturgy, Choreology, Music, Pedagogy and Psychology, the students are acquainted with diverse cultural contexts and theoretical-practical aspects of creation. Subjects such as Stage, Audio and Visual Technologies, Organisation and Management in Culture substantially round up the entire program and offer the students an insight into the currently unavoidable segment of artistic creation.

Special attention is directed toward the final public performance that the students of the Alma Mater Europaea Dance Academy create at the end of the study year in cooperation with a selected theatre venue. Students of all three years take part in this production. During the academic year, the students, along their mentors, implement the acquired knowledge to create an all-evening performance. The students are also involved in local artistic activities, presentations and festival events. This way, they gain experience they will need at the end of their third year of study, because a successfully completed program includes an individual graduation performance and the defence of the written part of the graduation thesis.


Graduated dancer / Choreographer


6 semesters / 3 years (180 ECTS)


Ljubljana, Slovenia

